Old West Stories is committed to supporting our customers, contributors and readers in every way that is reasonably practical.
It is our aim to deliver a consistently high standard of support to all visitors to www.oldweststories.net.
We are committed to ensuring that visitors have a high value experience. Listening and responding to comments and suggestions is a top priority.
Our aim is for every visitor to this web site to be eager to return and happy to recommend this site to others.
Our commitment is to:
- Respond to all comments, enquiries and issues raised in a warm, friendly and courteous manner.
- Treat all all customers, contributors and readers with respect.
- Provide interesting and entertaining information.
- Answer all enquiries as promptly and fully as we are able. We do ask for your understanding that Old West Stories is not staff by full time staff, it is attended by the originator of the site and voluntary contributors.
- Guarantee that all enquiries will be responded to.
- Display information that is as accurate and reliable as possible.
It is a condition placed upon all contributors to this site, that they abide this statement.
Old West Stories will make every effort to support conttributors in complying with this statement.
If you have any questions regarding this statement, require further information or have any other kind of enquiry, please visit the Contact Us page and we will respond as quickly as we can.

Peter Kerin – Owner