Decision Timeline

choice-selectionI recently published an article entitled:

“The Decision Timeline”

on this website.

You can read the article at:

In short, the article:

  • questions how long it takes to change minds of customers / consumers;
  • considers what happens along ‘the decision timeline’; and
  • suggests that it’s much easier to find ‘a like-mind’ than to change a closed one.

If you have the chance, please let me know your thoughts about the article.

Peter Kerin

Peter Kerin

Signature - online


Credit for the above image goes to photographer Chris Goldberg.

This entry was posted in Advice, Attitude, Behaviour, Beliefs, Believe, Brand Affinity, Brand Awareness, Brand Strategy, Business, Change, Consumption, Decisions, Influence, Marketing, Opinions, Persuading, Peter Kerin, Relationships, Strategy, Timeline, Transition and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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