Possibility of Optimism

The  Possibility  of  Optimism

(……………  or, the Optimism of Possibility)

Is your glass half full or half empty?

half-full-or-half-empty-photoThe pessimist sees what’s present today and can only imagine or foreshadow eventual decline.  S/he’s the perpetual ‘harbinger of doom’.

To the pessimist, the glass is already half empty  –  and it’s only going to get worse.

The optimist, however, understands that there’s a difference between today and tomorrow.


The optimist’s glass is half full  ………………………  with plenty of room for more.

The optimist’s vision is based on possibility  –  in the future tense  –  not the present tense.

optimist-vs-pessimist-photoPessimists have trouble making room for possibility  –  as a result of which possibility has trouble finding room for pessimists.

As soon as we realise that there is a difference between ‘right now’ and ‘what might happen next’ we can move ourselves to the posture of possibility  –  to the self-fulfilling engine of optimism.

May I respectfully suggest that you  ……………  Act Accordingly.

Peter Kerin

Peter Kerin








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